Usage Guide
The @knide/fs-prober
package has only two main exports:
- Convenience wrapper component for theuseProbingDropzone
The package also exports a number of utility functions for working with file system objects, which are described here.
The useProbingDropzone
hook extends the functionality of useDropzone
hook accepts an object as a parameter containing optional configuration for the hook. It accepts the same configuration as useDropzone
hook, but with the following additional parameters:
Name | Type | Description |
isFolderSelectionMode | boolean | If set to true , the hook will enable folder selection mode, allowing users to select folders instead of files. |
Return Value
The useProbingDropzone
hook returns an object containing the same properties as useDropzone
hook, but with the following additional properties:
Name | Type | Description |
hierarchyDetails | HierarchyDetailsVariant | An object containing details about the hierarchy of files and folders. |
isLoading | boolean | This property is set to true when the hook is busy generating the hierarchy details. |
The return type is ProbingDropzoneState
import { useProbingDropzone } from "@knide/fs-prober"
const App = () => {
// Optional configuration parameter to enable folder selection mode
const [isFolderSelectionMode, setIsFolderSelectMode] = useState(false)
const { acceptedFiles, getRootProps, getInputProps, isLoading, hierarchyDetails } =
useProbingDropzone({ isFolderSelectionMode })
return (
<SelectionModeSwitch {...{isFolderSelectionMode, setIsFolderSelectMode}} />
<section className={style.dropzoneRoot}>
<div {...getRootProps({ className: style.dropzone })}>
<input {...getInputProps()} />
Drag 'n' drop some files & folders here, or click to select {isFolderSelectionMode ? "a folder" : "files"}
Open your Browser DevTools console tab to see the output.
Selection Modes for File Selection Window:
Drag 'n' drop some files & folders here, or click to select files
The ProbingDropzone
component extends the functionality of Dropzone
It is a convenience wrapper component for the useProbingDropzone
Component Props
The ProbingDropzone
component accepts the same props as Dropzone
component, but with the following additional props:
Name | Type | Description |
children | (props: ProbingDropzoneState) => React.ReactNode | A function that returns the content to be rendered inside the component. |
onProbingDrop | (props: ProbingDropzoneState) => void | A function that is called when the hierarchy details are available. |
import { ProbingDropzone } from "@knide/fs-prober"
const App = () => {
return (
onProbingDrop={({ acceptedFiles, hierarchyDetails }) => {
// Do something with the accepted files and hierarchy details
console.log("acceptedFiles:", acceptedFiles)
console.log("hierarchyDetails:", hierarchyDetails)
{({ acceptedFiles, getRootProps, getInputProps, isLoading, hierarchyDetails }) => (
<section className={style.dropzoneRoot}>
<div {...getRootProps({ className: style.dropzone })}>
<input {...getInputProps()} />
Drag 'n' drop some files & folders here, or click to select a folder
<OutputPreview isLoading={isLoading} acceptedFiles={acceptedFiles} hierarchyDetails={hierarchyDetails} />
Open your Browser DevTools console tab to see the output.
Selection Modes for File Selection Window:
Drag 'n' drop some files & folders here, or click to select files
Utility Functions
The getHierarchyDetailsFromFiles
function takes an array of files and returns an HierarchyDetailsWithoutHandles
object containing details about the hierarchy of files and folders.
Name | Type | Description |
files | readonly FileWithPath[] | An array of files. Each file must have a path property |
const { getRootProps, getInputProps } = useProbingDropzone({
onDrop: (acceptedFiles) => {
const hierarchyDetails = getHierarchyDetailsFromFiles(acceptedFiles)
handleUpload(acceptedFiles, hierarchyDetails)
noDrag: true,
The getFilesArrFromHierarchyFiles
function takes an array of FileNode
objects and returns an array of File
Name | Type | Description |
hierarchyFiles | FileNode[] | An array of FileNode objects. |
const files = await getFilesArrFromHierarchyFiles(hierarchyDetails?.allFiles)
The addFileProperties
function accepts a file and an object containing key-value pairs, then attaches those key-value pairs to the file object. It includes built-in error handling for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.
Name | Type | Description |
file | File | The file to modify |
propertiesObject | Record<string, any> | An object containing key-value pairs to add to the file object |
const newFile = addFileProperties(file, {
myCustomProperty: "myCustomValue",
The FileNode
type represents a file in the generated hierarchy details.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the file. |
nameId | string | A unique identifier for the file. |
pathIds | string[] | An array of nameId strings, sequentially representing the parent folder IDs and the file ID. |
kind | "file" | Always "file" . |
isBranch | false | Always false . Added for compatibility when using the react-accessible-treeview library. |
path | string | The path to the file. |
handle | FileSystemFileHandle | FileSystemFileEntry (optional) | The file entry or file handle for the file. - Only available when the file drop event contains a DataTransfer object.- By default, the package uses the File and Directory Entries API, which returns FileSystemFileEntry objects.- If you opt to use the WICG File System Access API, it will return FileSystemFileHandle objects. |
The FolderNode
type represents a folder in the generated hierarchy details.
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | The name of the folder. |
nameId | string | A unique identifier for the folder. |
pathIds | string[] | An array of nameId strings, sequentially representing the parent folder IDs and the folder ID. |
kind | "directory" | Always "directory" . |
isBranch | true | Always true . Added for compatibility when using the react-accessible-treeview library. |
path | string | The path to the folder. |
children | (FolderNode | TFileNode)[] | An array of FolderNode or FileNode objects representing the children of the folder. |
handle | FileSystemDirectoryEntry | FileSystemDirectoryHandle (optional) | The directory entry or directory handle for the folder. - Only available when the file drop event contains a DataTransfer object.- By default, the package uses the File and Directory Entries API, which returns FileSystemDirectoryEntry objects.- If you opt to use the WICG File System Access API, it will return FileSystemDirectoryHandle objects. |
The HierarchyDetailsVariant
type is used to represent the hierarchy of files and folders in a folder structure. Its is a union of HierarchyDetails
and HierarchyDetailsWithoutHandles
- This type may be returned when usinguseProbingDropzone
to get the hierarchy details from an file drop event.HierarchyDetailsWithoutHandles
- This type is returned when usinggetHierarchyDetailsFromFiles
to get the hierarchy details from an array of files.
The HierarchyDetails
type is an object containing details about the hierarchy of files and folders.
This may be returned when using useProbingDropzone
or ProbingDropzone
to get the hierarchy details. If the file drop event contains DataTransfer
object, this type is returned. Else HierarchyDetailsWithoutHandles
is returned.
Name | Type | Description |
emptyFolders | FolderNode[] | An array of FolderNode objects where each object contains information about empty folders |
allFolders | FolderNode[] | An array of FolderNode objects where each object contains information about all folders |
allFiles | FileNode[] | An array of FileNode objects where each object contains information about all files |
rootFolders | FolderNode[] | An array of FolderNode objects where each object contains information about root-level folders |
rootFiles | FileNode[] | An array of FileNode objects where each object contains information about root-level files |
nameMap | Map<string, string> | A map where the keys are file or folder ID and the values are their corresponding names |
objectMap | Map<string, FolderNode | FileNode> | A map where each key represents a file or folder ID, and each value is a FolderNode or FileNode object containing detailed information about the respective file or folder. |
rootHandles | (FileSystemEntry | FileSystemHandle)[] | An array of FileSystemEntry or FileSystemHandle instances representing the root-level files.- By default, the package uses the File and Directory Entries API, which returns FileSystemEntry objects.- If you opt to use the WICG File System Access API, it will return FileSystemHandle objects. |
The HierarchyDetailsWithoutHandles
type is a subset of the HierarchyDetails
type that does not include the rootHandles
property. It is returned when using getHierarchyDetailsFromFiles
to get the hierarchy details from an array of files.
It has the same properties as HierarchyDetails
, except for rootHandles
. None of the FileNode
or FolderNode
objects have a handle